NTI COO to Hiring Managers: Remote’s the Way to Go

Oct. 2022

Are you a hiring manager wrestling with the idea of hiring more remote contact center workers or keeping them onsite? Fortunately, recent data shows the correct decision is to go the remote route, according to remote.com. Remote work has been brought to the forefront by COVID-19 after companies sent their works home at the start of the pandemic. 

“The companies we work with have found the benefits of having our work at home employees to be huge,” said NTI Chief Operating Officer, Alan Hubbard, whose nonprofit company offers at-home work opportunities to Americans with disabilities and their family caregivers. “The people we support are more dedicated and more flexible in their jobs.” 

As part of October’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), NTI is taking part in “Disability: Part of the Equity Equation” theme to ensure Americans with disabilities are a major part the national workforce. Every October, NDEAM celebrates the contributions people with disabilities have made to America’s workforce and the economy.  

Here are five key reasons why: 

No. 1: At-home workers are more productive, according to Sure Payroll, a web-based company as office distractions are eliminated. It also said 86 percent of the employees like to work alone more because it helps them increase their overall productivity. Two-thirds of managers also say they notice that the amount of work done increases.  

No. 2: At-home workers have higher morale as 82 percent reported lower stress levels, according to shareshare.net. They also have lower absenteeism levels and happier marriages. A United Kingdom study at Manchester Metropolitan University found the work being done around the house was more gender-neutral and fairer.  

No. 3: You would expect onsite workers to be more involved, but the studies show just the opposite. A study by Global Reward Solutions said 87 percent of at-home employees say video conferencing keeps them more connected.  

No. 4: With a tight job market, employers are finding it a challenge to fill positions. Offering more at-home positions is a solution as you are increasing your candidate pool to include Americans with disabilities and older workers who want to continue working and would prefer to do it at home. An AARP study said 74 percent of older Americans seek work flexibility and 34-percent would prefer to work at home.  

No. 5: Your CEO will become your biggest fan as you will be saving money on real estate and operating costs.  According to a Forbes magazine report, Aetna said the 14,500 people remotely allowed them to get rid of 2.7 million square feet in office space, saving $78 million, while American Express said their remote workers allowed them to save $10 million to $15 million. Companies also are more environmentally friendly because their carbon footprint is reduced by having fewer employees drive to work and savings in disposing of office products. 

NTI works with Americans with disabilities and their family caregivers to find job opportunities with government organizations, Fortune 500 companies, large and small companies to work at home in call center positions. Register at www.ntcentral.org.



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