NTI’s new website look!

When working on our new website, we wanted to make sure that our new website was accessible above all else.

“Accessibility took priority over the overall look of the website” said Peter O’Leary, NTI’s Director of IT. “Our biggest goal was to ensure that everyone who visited our site was able to access the information easily. We used several accessibility checkers and had testers that utilized screen readers to ensure we met our goal.”  

For more information on our commitment to accessibility, read our Accessibility Statement.  

In addition to making sure our website was accessible, we also wanted to make sure it showed real people with disabilities. Many of the images used on the site came from disabilityimages.com. This website provides imagery of authentic people with real disabilities.   

When in the design phase, we wanted to come up with a unique way to highlight the images on our page. You will notice that the blue border around the image does not perfectly line up with the image. This is done on purpose. People with disabilities regularly feel that they don’t fit into the “box” that society depicts as the norm.  Just because a person does not fit into the “normal box” does not make them inferior. We chose this design effect to show we value everyone, especially those that don’t fit the norm.     

If you have any suggestions on our website, we want to hear them! You can email us at feedback@nticentral.org.


Interview Time: What Should You Say, What Shouldn't You Say