How to Answer, ‘Where Will You Be in 5 Years?’

March 2023

One question everyone wants to avoid in a job interview is “Where do you want to be in five years?” Over the years, this has become a trademark question asked by hiring managers. 

“It is a way for them to understand where you are headed with your career,” said Alan Hubbard, NTI’s Chief Operating Officer. “Hiring managers want to see where you are at with your career.” 

Chances are the honest answer is “I have no idea.” Too bad, but you probably won’t get any points with the hiring manager because of your honesty. 

“It helps you to know what the interviewer is looking for with the question,” said Hubbard. “They have a plan for the position and want to see if you are a good fit for them. If you are content with position, they are offering and don’t want to move up, then they will have their answer to their question. If you say you want to run the company, they will have a different answer.” 

One tip is probably not to say the first thing that comes to your mind. Even though, if the truth is more like “I want to own my own company,” or “I want to be a CEO.”  

An article in the Muse says you should think about where this position could take you with your career or how it fits in with your professional goals. You can tell the hiring manager that you are excited about the position and the opportunity to develop expertise in the field. 

“It is always a good idea to be positive in your responses,” said Hubbard. “You want to stress the excitement you have for the job and the opportunity to join the company. That won’t answer the ‘Where will be you in five years?’ question, but the hiring manager is going to get a positive impression of you from the interview.” 

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