Jennifer Works Around the Clock for people with Disabilities

Dec. 2021
By Michael Hardman

When you are on your honeymoon, especially in a beautiful place like Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, the last thing you are probably thinking of is getting a new job when you get home. 

While they were basking in the sun and enjoying the warm ocean breezes after their 2017 wedding, NTI ’s Jennifer Agersea and her husband Jeff were closely keeping an eye on what was waiting for them when they returned to Massachusetts. Before the wedding, both had applied for new jobs. 

For more than 25 years as a nonprofit organization, NTI has been helping Americans with disabilities find remote working jobs with government organizations, Fortune 500, large and small businesses.

Before she had gone on her honeymoon, Agersea and a friend were going through job ads when one for working in the Human Resources Department at NTI appeared. 

“I told her I was keeping that one,” she said with a laugh. “I ran home and got everything together to apply for the job. I was working for a railroad company, but NTI was something I really wanted so I could help other people with disabilities.” 

While Punta Cana was a beautiful place to celebrate their honeymoon, there was a problem with the Internet. It was very slow. 

“Jeff heard first," said Jennifer. “He was waiting to hear about a supervisor position. We got married on Thursday and he heard on Monday. We were celebrating that.” 

Agersea saw an email from NTI, offering her the job. “The celebration got even better,” she said. “We had a great time, and this gave us even more to celebrate.” 

As soon as she could respond, Agersea was ready to start her journey in NTI’s Human Resources Department and lend a hand to the nonprofit organization’s mission of helping Americans with disabilities and their family caregivers find at-home jobs.

“Jennifer is a very dedicated person,” said Alan Hubbard, NTI’s Chief Operating Officer. “She works hard to promote NTI to Americans with disabilities and constantly works to help others any way she can. I don’t think she ever says no to helping someone who needs her help. We’re lucky to have her on our team.” 

In many ways, her day is far from over after she is done at NTI. Recently, Agersea completed her master’s at the University of Southern New Hampshire and is a dedicated advocate for people with disabilities. 

Agersea has transverse myelitis, which causes mobility issues, and she suffers from migraines. She belongs to several online groups and volunteers up to 25 hours lending her support, fundraising, and managing her social media contacts and outlets.  

“Jennifer shares her personal experiences with others, and we know that it helps people,” said Hubbard. “We appreciate her efforts to constantly promote NTI at disability events. Jennifer really helps us get our message out there, and that allows us to help a lot of people” 

When she was 12, Agersea was left paralyzed from the waist down from transverse myelitis. After intensive therapy and having the support of her family, she was able to get some mobility back, even run several steps after being told she may never walk again. Four years later, she knew she wanted to share her experience and began working as a mentor for people with disabilities. 

“Jennifer has such a positive attitude and that rubs off on other people in her job and with her outside activities,” said Hubbard. “We are fortunate to have employees like Jennifer who are so willing to give their time to others and share their experience.” 

Agersea belongs to SRNA-Siegel Rare Neuroimmune Association and is active on Facebook with Transverse Myelitis Group, Transverse Myelitis Folks, New Chronic Migraine Support Group, Chronic Daily Headache Support Group, and Emgality for Migraines. She also follows Wyatt’s Fight Against Transverse Myelitis Facebook and donates when she can and walks in races to raise money for various groups. 

With NTI, Argesea helps call center employees started in their new jobs. 

NTI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, helping Americans with disabilities and their family caregivers find full- and part-time job opportunities in remote call centers for government organizations, Fortune 500, and large and small companies. You can register to receive free job training and job placement service at


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