Zeanne Hernandez Shares Her Experience Working-from-Home

Nov. 2021

Zeanne Hernandez has worked from home for NTI for 18 years as an Order Entry Clerk. She has this to say about what working from home means to her. “Well, I would not change it for anything else is... To me, working from home is saving time and saving money. Saving time because you're saving time for yourself. You're saving time for your family. It's not that you are not doing your job. It's you, program your work and you program your time around your work schedule, but you do have a lot of more time in your hands instead of having to commute instead of having to drive somewhere else instead of having to... All the things, shower, get dressed and put makeup on, and if case may be, you know, but to me that is very important that I know that I'm here, that I'm available at home. If anything happens, my house is not alone and it's Peace of Mind. For me it's it does. It gives me a peace. I love working from home. And I don't have to go anywhere. And I have my feet up. And it's really nice. It's very nice.”

After so many years, Zeanne has handled her fair share of upset callers. She offered this advice for others trying to get through these types of calls. “Have patience. Understand that sometimes, just like in any job that you deal with people. There's going to be somebody that's going to be upset. I would say have patience. It's not with you. Separate yourself and know that you're just there to help them. And word and small voice and soft manner would go a long a long way. So, just know that it's not you. It's not you that they're mad at... There's always something that people are upset about, but just go ahead and serve and you'll see that they even change at the end of the call, they will be happy.”

You can listen to Zeanne’s full conversation with NTI HERE or you can read the transcript.

If you are looking for a work-at-home position, look no further than NTI. NTI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, helping Americans with disabilities and their family caregivers find full- and part-time job opportunities in remote call centers for government organizations, Fortune 500, and large and small companies. You can register to receive free job training and job placement service at www.NTIcentral.org.


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